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Some Democrats Blame President Biden

Warum es so wenig Widerstand gegen Trump gibt

Upload : 3 hours ago...

2025-03-25 13:36 493 Youtube

Ein halbes Jahrhundert Diplomatie: Deutschland und Vietnam (Folge 77)

Upload : 1 day ago...

2025-03-24 28:48 61 Youtube

1000 Landungen Auf Dem Flugzeugträger

Upload : 1 hour ago...

2025-03-25 01:16 197 Youtube

Gregor Gysis Rede - eine historische Schande für den Bundestag

Upload : 4 hours ago...

2025-03-25 02:18 3,064 Youtube

President Trump blames Democrats for government shutdown

President Trump blames Democrats for government shutdownPresident Donald Trump planned to celebrate the first anniversary of his inauguration at Mar-a-Lago, but...

2018-01-20 01:32 3 Dailymotion

U.S. Democrats formally nominate Joe Biden for president

바이든, 미 민주 대선후보로 공식 선출In the U.S.,Joe Biden was officially nominated for president on the second night of the U.S. Democratic Natio...

2020-08-19 01:11 1 Dailymotion

President Trump roasts Biden, accuses Democrats of election -meddling-

President Trump roasts Biden, accuses Democrats of election -meddling-President Trump roasts Biden, accuses Democrats of election -meddling-President Trump roas...

2020-09-15 07:17 2 Dailymotion

Inside Capitol Hill: Democrats' Mixed Views on President Biden

Inside Capitol Hill: Democrats' Mixed Views on President Biden @TheFposte ____________Subscribe to the Fposte YouTube channel now:

2024-07-12 01:34 1 Dailymotion

President Trump roasts Biden, accuses Democrats of election -meddling-

President Trump roasts Biden, accuses Democrats of election -meddling-...

2020-09-14 07:17 40 Dailymotion